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Гайнанова Сабина Ринатовна633
Россия, Карелия респ., Петрозаводск
Материал размещён в группе ««Копилка ПРЕЗЕНТАЦИЙ»»

The Culture in England​​​​​​​

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I would like to tell you about the cultural life in England.


London is the most popular city. It attracts a lot of holidaymakers with its places of interest. You can find many museums and other interesting places here. I’d like to tell you about some unusual museums in the country.


The CinemaMuseum in London

The CinemaMuseum was founded in 1986 by Ronald Grant and Martin Humphries. They show their own private collections about the history of cinema.

The museum's collection includes items relating to film production. The Museum of Natural History in Oxford

This museum started in 1850. You can see the head and foot of a dodo here. Lewis Carroll was a regular visitor to the museum.


The Sainsbury Centre for visual arts in Norwich(East England)

This art gallery and museum are located on the campus of the University of East Anglia, Norwich, England. In 1973 Sir Robert Sainsbury and Lady Lisa Sainsbury donated to the university their collection of over 300 artworks and objects, which they had been collecting since the 1930s.

The National Maritime Museum in Greenwich

It is the leading maritime museum of the United Kingdom and the largest museum of its kind in the world. King George VI opened the Museum on 27 April 1937. He was with his daughter Princess Elizabeth, later Queen Elizabeth II in the journey along the Thames from London.


A lot of interesting places are in England. You can visit a lot of popular museums not only in London. It can be Oxford, Cambridge and other cities. You will know amazing things, find new friends and improve your English.

Автор материала: Л. Боровинских (8 класс)
Опубликовано в группе ««Копилка ПРЕЗЕНТАЦИЙ»»

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